My So Charmed Life

Discover OMOI


Do you live in or near Philadelphia? If so, please stop by the coolest shop in the area, OMOI (1608 Pine Street) on Saturday, April 26 from 12 – 4 pm. I’ll be there with a trunk full o’ jewels to mix in with owner Liz Sieber’s fantastic stock of coolwear and accessories. OMOI (pronounced Oh-Moe-ee) is Japanese for thought or feeling according to a write-up in the Philadelphia Weekly. The name reflects Liz’s personal history, growing up in Japan… as well as her love of all things… well, CUTE! You know, in that Japanese way. Visit the store online, read Liz’s great blog, but most of all, COME SAY HI on Saturday!




There is nothing I love more than miniature faux confections sitting atop darling vintage buttons, sparkly over-the-top handcrafted jewelry, and fake French, merci beaucoup! For this reason, my BFFL (some call her my alter ego), the brilliant and chic Madame Eclore has opened a brand new Etsy shop called (what els?) LaPatisserie!


Whatever your pleasure–les tartes or les bonbons–Mme. Eclore is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth!


Some of the petite gateau are so delicate they must be kept under glass! Can you imagine this? On your finger, cherie? I know that you can!


For les Americains? Monsieur Donut! Avec sprinkles, mais oui.


Une sucre rose est une sucre rose!


The packaging? Tres bon! Each comes in a sweet tiny hat box, a perfect gift. Also available on So Charmed.

Yep, it’s Another Bloomin’ Blog



For those of you who just can’t get enough of my unbridled blabbermouthing, I’ve come up with yet another platform. In association with the launch of my graphic design studio designfarm’s brand spankin’ new web site, the staff and I decided that not only do we love to practice design, we also love to jibber-jabber on (and on and on) about the subject.


So, whether you are a designer, a consumer of design, or just curious about why certain people are prone to exhuberent Tourettes-like shouts of “HELVETICA!” or “BODONI!” when movie credits are rolling and everyone else is quietly heading out of the theater, click on over to The Fourth Wall, for a shocking and unprecedented look inside the mind of working designers. You can read more than you ever wanted to know about such things as the color yellow and my BF’s former apartment as well as participate in fun little contests and exercises.


Oh, and it’s not just me raving on about typography, etc, it’s also my talented staff designers, Jessica and Sarah. They are a lot younger than me, each with their own creative voice and POV, so I think you’ll enjoy their observations too!

Shop with a Conscience



Consider this your personal invitation to visit my latest endeavor:, an online shop full of the MOST adorable handcrafted one-of-a-kind altered composition book  journals… AND even better: For each journal you buy, a kid in an under-served public school receives a donated blank composition book. Everyone wins.


There are two yummy styles to choose from… googly-eyed MONSTERS, pictured above and (NOT SO) PLAN JANES, pictured below. The Monsters feature stenciled images with wiggle eyes and text message abbreviations on recycled wallpaper. The aptly-named NSPJ’s utilize our most fabulous wallpaper sheets, no embellishments needed. All  journals are old-fashioned marble-covered kid’s composition books. You know ’em! You love(d) ’em!


Please buy a bunch and help us send hundreds of composition books to school children this coming fall! We thank you and the kids thank you!


Q: Where do you buy these fabulous beads?



A: None of your beeswax.

Ok, sorry… but really! I get asked this question so often it makes me wanna cry. But I think the truth is that noone can imagine the obsessiveness of my collecting, and thus, in asking such a question, the questioner can’t possibly know how ridiculous the query is.

Case in point: Pictured above is a pile ‘o beads I scored last night at Molly’s YMCA Aftercare Crafts Expo and Bake Sale. Yes, folks, there amongst the handsewn foam wallets, the CostCo cookies (SO cleverly marketed in zip lock bags to look homebaked, but I was NOT fooled!), and the genuinely homebaked cupcakes (expertly decorated by my daughter and long gone without so much as a blog photo snapped), were these lovely beaded necklaces. I do feel dreadfully sorry that I’m going to disassemble them to make jewelry. : / Sorry kids. Cost: 6 bucks.

Q: Where do you get all of that funky ironic “art” that decorates the walls of your home?


A: Just kidding.

Generally speaking, no one (except my poor boyfriend) dares to inquire about the weird, tasteless, mostly thriftstore, crap that poses as art in my “eclectic” home. But, in case you are not asking b/c you are embarrassed, but would actually like to know where these coveted items originate, here is an example: Yes, it’s another YMCA Aftercare Crafts Expo and Bake Sale score, a hand magic-markered, velvet flocked (!!) Unicorn. With stars! Glitter! A rainbow! Maybe you don’t love this as much as I do, probably not in fact. Yet later you will  eye it enviously, I know you will! I was so glad no one else’s mom snagged this beauty before I arrived on the scene with my shopping karma in tact. Cost: $1.50. Bet ya I could turn it around for $10 bucks on ETSY. But I’m not gonna, it’s mine mine mine suckers. Seriously, I love this thing.

PS: I love a post that fits ALL my categories!

MORE Custom Work



I love this custom bracelet and I love the woman I made it for… Jen, a Rebel Mom, not unlike yours truly. With some email communications and a photo or two for good measure, Jen and I were able to make her charm bracelet dreams come true in black and blue!


Sterling silver charms, soldered into place for permanence, plus a vintage earring, and some of my favorite glass beads (new & vintage) in denim and onyx.


A special hand-crafted sterling silver Defy charm for Jen’s “question everything” MO. Love ya, girl! Mwwwwaaaa!




One of the products central to the vast empire (!) that is So Charmed, is the custom charm bracelet. I’ve literally done hundreds of these and each and every time I am thoroughly blown away by the infinite design possibilities this little medium offers me. And, more importantly I am completely and profoundly moved by the people who come to me for these treasures… more often than not they are the most fascinating and creative individuals I’ve ever “met.” Somehow, despite the fact that all of our communications are via email, and I often don’t even see a photo of the customer herself, I am drawn into the intimate details of her life, dreams, and memories. And the results are probably the most beautiful and meaningful jewelry work I will ever do. I’m not tootin’ my own horn here, I feel strongly that the bracelets truly belong to their owners in every sense of the word. It is their openness and partnership that provides the content, palette and wonderful uniqueness of these works.


Joan, a self-proclaimed late-bloomer (me too!) shared an amazing story that included everything from James Ellroy, the Black Dahlia, vintage 40’s make-up packaging, noir Los Angeles… and too many lush things to mention here. In the detail above a sterling silver train sits next to a vintage black button I scored on a trip to the East Village… combing through an old sewing notions store the size of a tiny closet. It had just the right late 40’s feel and is an example of my life colliding with my client’s during this process.


Literature, the letter J, and a very rare vintage lantern-esque bead hold court next to a sterling silver vintage radio and dahlia charms. Joan and I agreed to mix metals (brass, gold and silver)… something that can be tricky, but when done properly is gorgeous!

The murder weapon, glass beads from my collection (tens of thousands stored in color-coded fishing tackle boxes), and a hand-painted tiny tube of red lipstick! Joan is a redhead and we decided upon small touches of red for some pop against the noir blacks and lavenders. Also pictured, a wonderful early plastic black floral cabochon that I made into a charm.


Amazing and rare bell flower charm and a vintage earring part that had a perfect deco feel and a lovely citrine stone. Sterling silver camera so Joan can continue to capture her life in pictures!

Many special thanks to Joan for the amazing partnership and for allowing me to blog about her bracelet. For more information on a custom heirloom bracelet of your own, check the custom page at So Charmed, and then get in touch.

Whatcha Gonna Do?



Yes, it’s that time of year again.


Yes, I am obsessed with gorgeous miniature cakes.


No, you do NOT have to buy a standard crappy ole Valentine this year. Hint: So Charmed!

PS: Yes, I realize I’m posting only on the Hallmark holidays. I’ll try to do better, promise. I’m BUSY, ok?

Please Shop Handmade for the Holidays!



This show, at the refurbished Mill Centre in B’more, hon, is gonna rock. Come out and see most of the So Charmed collection live and in person, and the work of loads of other artists and craftspersons.

Yes, I am making hats now… I “needed” another crafty thing to do, you know? These will be on hand at the above-mentioned show, although I can’t say for sure if I’m ready to part with them just yet! More of these darling burlesque ‘fascinators’ are on the way.

Pictured above is Tickle, which features an amazing deep velvety red and fuscia curly feathery attachment and darling striped ribbon that looks like vintage ticking. Blow is Strut, which features a miniature peacock, genuine feathers and all, plus brilliant purple tulle that poofs out the back. Both have an elastic strap so you can get that perfect sexy tilt without losing your hat. Wearing these, I can’t guarantee you won’t lose your shirt… wink wink nudge nudge. Ooooolalalalalala!

Anyway, whether you come to the show or  not, please consider shopping hand made for the holidays… Chanukah, Christmas, Festivas for the Restofus… whatever your pleasure, it will be that much brighter for supporting DIY!

A VERY Subversive Collaboration



If you don’t know about Subversive Cross Stitch by now, you don’t know JACK! Make that JACKSON, as in Julie Jackson, one of the top-rockin’ original divas of the DIY crafts movement, a published writer, and a lovely, snarky girlie who lives down in Texas. Julie and I met (in the virtual sense) years ago when our business ventures were young. She and her busy fingers created a (deliciously nasty) cross stitch sampler for my just-born studio, and I made her a sumptuious piece of serious bling in the form of a custom charm bracelet. We vowed to collaborate one day… and that day is today! Thus, I am proudly announcing the debut of the Subversive Cross Stitch and So Charmed limited edition line, which starts with three of Julie’s wonderful samplers encased in glittered resin Victorian inspired (and BIGGIE-SIZED) frames. Available as pins, with vintage buttons and tulle bows, or necklaces, with loooong black satin ribbon to hang coquettishly down your back. Choose from: Bite Me, Bitch, or I Heart Girls. And, stay tuned for a very special Holiday piece to hit the site in October. Available exclusively at So Charmed.


Pieces are being modeled by the lovely Sarah E, from designfarm.



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